Let's Get Back Out There!
The date is set for the 40th Annual Coastal Cleanup: Saturday, September 20, 2025 from 9am to 12pm! The T-shirts and hats will be distributed at all sites while supplies last and were allotted based on the number of pre-registrations.
In 2024, the Coastal Cleanup brought out over 2,300 volunteers Countywide who collected nearly 3,100 pounds of trash. More detailed data of what was removed is being compiled.
Broward County participates in the annual International Coastal Cleanup, sponsored by the Ocean Conservancy. The Cleanup takes place in more than 122 countries with over one million volunteers participating worldwide, typically on the 3rd Saturday of September. All cleanup sites will be open for in-person participation. Additionally, for students seeking community service hours, independent cleanup efforts anywhere in the County will be accepted starting September 1st until December 31st. Go to Cleanup Instructions for more details.
The most effective way to conduct the cleanup is by downloading and using the Clean Swell App Bring a bucket/Save a bag!
If you have a 5-gallon bucket you can bring to use, that will keep one more plastic bag out of a trash disposal site.
Please register and dress appropriately for the weather, either rain or shine. To participate it is recommended volunteers bring a hat, gloves, sunscreen, and water to one of the cleanup site locations.
Simply email CoastalCleanup@Broward.org to register for this year's cleanup event. Please include your name, contact information, organization, site at which you wish to participate and number of attendees.
Download, print and sign the Coastal Cleanup Liability Release Form. Bring the form to the registration table at the site you are attending.
The Cleanup may be postponed or cancelled due to a tropical weather system resulting in a Watch or Warning but will not be canceled due to a chance of rain. Call 954-519-1296 for cancellation information.